Funxercise: Blogilates

In my quest to be healthy again, I’ve been looking for fun ways to exercise that don’t involve trudging along painfully on a treadmill. And yes, I am calling it Funxercise. Don’t judge me.

Anyway, I decided to try an exercise video. Now this isn’t my first venture into the world of instructional videos of the exercise variety, but I’ve never been able to stick with it. I’m definitely a solo exerciser, and even having an instructor kind of but not really there annoys me. Plus, there’s always people in my house and I’m too embarrassed to do it around them.

But, exercise videos have their benefits, namely in that they allow you to work out with minimal “getting ready” effort and have instructors that actually hopefully know what they’re talking about. So after a bit of googling, I found the YouTube channel Blogilates.

Guys, I kid you not, I love these videos. They’re both fun and incredibly painful to do. The trainer, Cassey Ho, is adorable and fun enough to keep me from wanting to throw things at her even when she’s making me do burpees. She’s got quite a bit of variety in her videos. There’s plenty of cardio to get your heart pumping, as well as playlists to hit every muscle group you could want. My favorites, though, are the dance workouts. If you’re anything like me, you’ll look like an idiot trying to follow along with the choreography, but I promise it’s fun.

Today, I did a few of the cardio workouts and then followed them up with “What Makes You Bootyfull Butt Challenge” and “Good Times Abs Challenge”. Oh boy were these hard. I’m already sore and it’s only been a few hours. I can’t wait to see how I feel tomorrow.